Our Partners

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Henny Febriana Hutapea, S.E, BKP.

Registered Tax Consultant

IKPI ( Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia )
IAI ( Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia )

As a tax consultant, Henny has represent private entities and multinational corporations in various sectors i.e. mining, banking, hotel, as well as trading manufacturers since 2005. She has been involved in preparing the annual tax reports, assist the clients in the tax court, tax refunds, applying the objection letter, and tax deferment request.

Ivo Antoni Ginting, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

PERADI ( Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia )

Ivo has been working with MACS INDONESIA since 2017. He graduated from Jayabaya University in 2015. Following his graduation, he started to work with Maria & Co., a boutique firm that specializing in bankruptcy and court sanctioned restructuring. In that firm, he has been involved in series of bankruptcy cases as well as in the general corporate matter and in the commercial litigations. During his study in Jayabaya University, he was active in the Legal Study Institute as a Chief Editor. His specialization is in the Criminal Law.

Heri Perdana Tarigan, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Ade Noferlin, A.Md.

Ade Noverlin has worked in a prominent financial institution for 8 years as a Supervisor before joining MACS INDONESIA. In MACS INDONESIA she is assigned as the Office Manager and she is responsible for all the legal and related administrations tasks.

I Made Ananta Jaya Artha, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Roy Valiant Sembiring, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Abdullah Hamidy, S.H.

Registered Lawyer
Has been worked at DR. DEDY ARDIAN PRASETYO, S.H., LLM & Partner since 2014. Have been in the world of journalism for a long time, especially in the data and information center at a national economic and business magazine, Abdullah Hamidy S.H. is more focused on Civil Law cases

Efri Donal Silaen, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Diana Zulaicha Permata Sari, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Rivaldo Kalalinggi, S.H.

Registered Lawyer
Aldo graduated from Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU) Salatiga in 2021 and started working at Macs Indonesia in early 2022. During the study process at SWCU, Aldo was active in various organizations both internal and external to the campus. Aldo has a focus and interest in the Field of Civil Law and Constitutional Law (HPTN)

Jordibec Essa Bala, S.H.

Registered Lawyer
Jordi is graduate from Satya Wacana Christian University (SWCU) and he is concentrating in the field of Business Law. Jordi's specialization is in the fields of Civil Law, Bankruptcy Law, Business Competition Law and Corporate Law. Jordi has joined Macs Indonesia since 2021.

Fernanda Mangalik

Registered Lawyer
Graduated from the Faculty of Law from Trisakti University in 2020 and majored in procedural law. Handling Legal Issues in the Field of Litigation and Non-Litigation.

Frengky Adi Nugroho, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Hildea Syafitri, S.H.

Registered Lawyer

Mulyadi Marks Phillian

Registered Lawyer
Graduated with a Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Science in International Law and Political Economy from the Islamic University of Djakarta and the University of Indonesia. Non-formal education such as continuing education as an advocate, as well as training in regional election, presidential election and legislative election disputes. Experience working as a public lawyer, advocate in several law firms, and professional organizations such as IKADIN and PERADI. Has handled various legal cases, including corruption cases, copyright crimes, stock embezzlement, and alleged corruption in the procurement of passenger ships and the North Sumatra Province APBD, as well as reviewing cases of alleged corruption by the DKI Jakarta Transportation Secretary in the procurement of the Busway Fleet.

About us

MACS Indonesia Consulting Group provides Legal services, Taxation Services, Consultation of Corporate Commercial and Licensing.

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